var playerInfo={"797F91F0051E8E7502912D1DDA7DF5C1":"France","60DC9D976694DF52":"1","BDC97245F9A52F8B":"1420","4039037DD85D60421E356E7B3EA31BE5":"Marseille,Maritimo B,Aviron Bayonnais","C94C0D651EC157BC":"71kg","BCB817AACBF8A2A6870B9B82788BC0CB":"1","99B9FE00554E753D0BC6E1E16DA9F791":"Marseille","94D0847B815EE9D1AA49123A5072B2C7":"

Kevin Osei (born March 26, 1991 in Marseille) is a French-born Ghanaian professional footballer, currently playing as a midfielder for French Ligue 1 club Olympique de Marseille. Osei holds both a Ghanaian passport and a French passport.

Kevin joined Marseille when he was 12 from Olympique Saint Maximinois. He went through their youth system, winning many youth trophies, including "Championnat National des 16 ans" (Under 16 National Championship), after reaching with his team in 2008 the Under 16 final stage for the first time in Marseille's history. He went on to join Marseille's first team in 2009, after signing an "Elite" contract (2 years as a trainee and 3 years as a professional).

Kevin Osei has expressed his desire to play for Ghana. He was meant to take part in the 2011 African Youth Championship, but because of delays in obtaining his Ghanaian passport, he wasn't eligible to play for the Ghana U20 national team.<\/P>","2134628892B06B90":"Kevin Osei","BA50BEB0DB40F3ADF7C4575FF4221F17":"","8025E7E497D77CF6":"Carlisle","EABD711929A60B526AB9CD802EC5F0A7":"18","D41F91B0720932DCFCEBDA572EB68D71":"1991-3-26","411CCFA197052F93":"Kevin Osei","BFA4903D06441BD5032C18CFE9B50683":"","FAF88D97B63B269A":"173cm","6A0E980854EFD8AD1B424574AD15DF0D":"","C403D9D9F071ACF5":"89216","e_index":9};