var playerInfo={"A16D5E6475634BB1C2248B183B7E41495B218039EB2EF0A3":"1","C6E00DEB351621C4":"32440","9EBD0BFF9766B31DC62FC685463AF421":"Manchester City","A16D5E6475634BB126EF698FB3550B8C":"18000000.00","30A86FC0880FF75E":"173cm","09702F2B27619389F07D77F05427B135":"2021-7-1","2B5572269355781B0007104B7181FA88":"1988-6-2","F27CBDD6332F20A59321B0F4E9CF2AB8":"19","82CBDCB828DBDF89E0DAB2151FFA57BC":"","FA149E2002A43ED77C24C62CDFF094A5":"0","DA5E7C1A0F1CB8295E941203AD41B403":"T\u00e2y Ban Nha,Argentina","28017CE41B75854B":"Barcelona","5E8F53D0A504BF86":"Sergio Leonel Kun Aguero","0C852134AA40B2DD":"1","0A9B0394F31973599466C3FC5C90F503":"Manchester City,Atletico de Madrid,Independiente","DD8BEAF452454A6DBDD6FD45FDCB30C7":"

Sergio Leonel "Kun" Agüero del Castillo (sinh 2 tháng 6 n\u0103m 1988 t\u1ea1i Quilmes, Buenos Aires) là m\u1ed9t c\u1ea7u th\u1ee7 bóng \u0111á Argentina, ch\u01a1i \u1edf v\u1ecb trí ti\u1ec1n \u0111\u1ea1o, hi\u1ec7n \u0111ang khoác áo Manchester City. Anh có bi\u1ec7t danh là Kum Kum khi các b\u1ea1n h\u1ecdc th\u1ea5y r\u1eb1ng Agüero có mái tóc gi\u1ed1ng nh\u01b0 nhân v\u1eadt truy\u1ec7n tranh c\u1ee7a Nh\u1eadt B\u1ea3n "Kum Kum".<\/P>","18E9F76C307DDD99":"514","8DC362CCE065919BEFF67A555F929850":"

Câu l\u1ea1c b\u1ed9
Atlético Madrid (3)<\/STRONG>
Vô \u0111\u1ecbch UEFA Europa League: 2010
Vô \u0111\u1ecbch UEFA Intertoto Cup: 2007
Vô \u0111\u1ecbch Siêu cúp châu Âu: 2010<\/P>

Manchester City (12)<\/STRONG>
Premier League (4): 2011-12, 2013-14, 2017-18, 2018-19
Vô \u0111\u1ecbch cúp FA (1): 2018–19
Vô \u0111\u1ecbch Cúp liên \u0111oàn bóng \u0111á Anh (Football League Cup) (4):  2013–14, 2015–16, 2017–18, 2018–19, 2019-20
Vô \u0111\u1ecbch siêu cúp Anh (FA Community Shield) (3): 2012, 2018, 2019<\/P>

\u0110\u1ed9i tuy\u1ec3n qu\u1ed1c gia<\/STRONG>
\u0110T Qu\u1ed1c gia Argentina (3)
Vua phá l\u01b0\u1edbi cúp th\u1ebf gi\u1edbi U-20: 2005
Vô \u0111\u1ecbch Th\u1ebf v\u1eadn h\u1ed9i (Olympic B\u1eafc Kinh) (1): 2008
Vô \u0111\u1ecbch cúp th\u1ebf gi\u1edbi U-20 (FIFA U-20 World Cup) (2): 2005, 2007
Á quân cúp th\u1ebf gi\u1edbi (FIFA World Cup):  2014
Á quân Copa America: 2015, 2016
H\u1ea1ng ba Copa America: 2019<\/P>

Gi\u1ea3i th\u01b0\u1edfng<\/STRONG>
FIFA Young Player of the Year: 2007
FIFA U-20 World Cup Top Scorer: 2007
FIFA U-20 World Cup Player of the Tournament: 2007
La Liga Ibero-American Player of the Year: 2008
Don Balón Award: 2008
Tuttosport Golden Boy: 2007
Etihad Player of The Year: 2012
Etihad Goal of the Season: 2012
Premier League Player of the Month: October 2013
Football Supporters' Federation Player of the Year: 2014<\/P>","4678B5349347B7EB":"70kg","8D04D562CDE8A422":"Sergio Leonel Kun Aguero","e_index":1};